
Tired of building new, old battery factories?

With Kavian®, battery technology leaders can now zero in on building out tomorrow’s manufacturing today.


Insert Battery Printing on Your Factory Floor Today

Add the new building blocks necessary to enhance your battery business

Reduce Your Supply Chain Dependencies

Minimize foreign sourcing for faster manufacture and delivery.

Streamline Your Factory Operations

Deliver reductions in operating costs and energy consumption.

Minimize Your Material Costs and Waste

Reuse excess materials and eliminate all toxic solvents.

Improve Your Quality Control with ML

Measure and optimize electrode performance as you learn

Print Batteries to Compete Globally

Use Kavian's modular approach to scale your business as demand grows

For Today and Tomorrow

The Kavian platform supports your current and future chemistries.

You are no longer limited to a single chemistry to engineer your batteries. The Kavian platform supports current chemistries used on factory floors and is ready for future formulations. Build a more sustainable business -- and world -— on Kavian.

Spotlight on Kavian Process Stations


Dry Powder Printing

Dry powder is printed at desired thickness.


Powder Conditioning

The powder is conditioned to meet battery requirements.


Surface Inspection

At multiple points, the printed layer is inspected for quality control. 

The Kavian® platform is purpose-built to help battery innovators and OEMs transform their business operations and opportunities. Printing batteries with Sakuu’s dry-process technology and electro-chemistries consumes less energy, produces less waste, and produces more capable products.


Kavian works with your current electro-chemistries to ensure a perfect fit for the processes now. Kavian supports anode and cathode. Kavian also handles advanced chemistries from Sakuu to help you create the perfect products for your customers as their needs evolve.


Kavian’s patented printing technology eliminates drying and toxic materials including NMP and PTFE's, from the production process, two costly areas with several points of failure. Integrated intelligence also helps track quality throughout the print cycle.


Kavian reduced footprint fits into current factory layouts with minimal logistical adjustments. Reduces overhead and utility costs. Sakuu engineers have the expertise to co-develop solutions that best overcome market pressures and satisfy client demands. 


Unlike new technologies still stuck in the lab, Sakuu has proven the Kavian platform is ready to print batteries. Samples have been sent and tested. Now, Sakuu is entering into joint-development partnerships to begin production.


Reduce your carbon footprint up to 50%.


"Improve your carbon footprint by up to 50% with Kavian's Dry Printing Process"


We need highly talented and enthusiastic minds to join our mission. Help transform manufacturing, and energy storage - for a healthier planet.